Three Local Banks Step Up to Provide A New Home Through Homes & Hope for KY
group of people holding banner for donation

4/1/22, Mayfield, Kentucky –
On December 10, 2021, a devastating tornado hit Mayfield, KY and left an everlasting impact on our community. While the tornado was catastrophic, many good things have come out of the rubble such as organizations like Homes and Hope for Kentucky.
The focus of the Homes and Hope organization is to assist in the long-term disaster recovery of Mayfield and Graves County by rebuilding homes for those that had little or no insurance and fall below the average median income for the area. Its ultimate mission is to give families new hope in the community.
Many groups and individuals have collaborated with Homes and Hope to assist in its initiative through the donation of labor, skills, time, material, and money. The Homes and Hope mission is ongoing and requires continuous funding to allow the organization to purchase building materials and pay construction costs for each home built. The labor is provided by volunteer organizations, including ACTS, an Amish organization from Indiana and Christian Public Services.
Three local banks, First Kentucky Bank, Independence Bank, and FNB Bank, have all stepped up to help. They will combine their monetary resources, along with funds from the Mayfield Graves Tornado Relief Fund, to provide financing for a new house, which will benefit a local family that was directly impacted by the December 10th tornado.
The Mayfield Graves Tornado Relief Fund was established from the numerous donations that flooded in from all over the country to help with our community’s relief efforts. This organization is designating $30,000 towards the rebuild of a home.
First Kentucky, Independence, and FNB, will help further that donation by matching the $30,000. Each bank will make an individual donation of $10,000. The donations will be given to Homes and Hope for KY and will cover a portion of the funds necessary to build a new house, which is approximately $104,000 in total.
Homeowners also contribute towards the cost if they are able and typically include a portion of the FEMA or insurance payments they received. In addition, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati provides a grant of up to $20,000 per home that helps offset the cost of building.
“One thing we all have in common is a love for this community and the desire to help rebuild it. We all want to see Mayfield thrive again, and we know that will take a collaborative effort. We have wonderful partners from our community, as we see today with our local banks, and from farther away. We could not bring this hope to families without the partnership of volunteer organizations like Mennonite Disaster Services which is the lead on this project. We appreciate all those that continue to support our efforts financially and believe in our community. Being able to help a family have a home again is a great honor and a step in the right direction to making Mayfield whole again, expressed Heather Nesler, Homes and Hope Board Co-Chair.
To apply for a home, donate, or learn more, please visit, email, or call 270-540-7070.
To learn more about the Mayfield Graves Tornado Relief fund, visit Donations and requests for assistance can also be made through their site.